Saturday, March 26, 2011

Working at the garden

Metaha Vakwetu/ Good day dear friends

The rain fall is good this year and the garden looks promising. Maize is covering one third of the garden. Pumpkins, butternuts, tomatoes, spinach and carrots cover another portion of the garden. Almost half of the garden is currently being prepared for other vegetables and will be utilized when water is available.
The generator which are pumping water from the bore hole is out of order but a solar energy is been awaited to be instaledl by June this year. This is a donation by private people from South Africa. It will hopefully solve the water problem once and for all.

Fruit trees(papaw, lemon and guava) are also growing well and 1 papaw tree is bearing fruit already.

The children need to be involved at the garden, so that they learn to earn and to give to others in need. They came on Friday and slept in tents at the garden and went back on Monday afternoon. That Monday was a public holiday.

Uharee nawa

Sticks are needed to stabilize the tomato's trees

A girl, hard at work in the garden

Girls are preparing lunch

Tomatoes, few weeks before the harvest

Preparing to go back to school

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