Monday, February 22, 2010

Sport day


Sport provide a positive learning experience that will improve the ability to develop self skill.Sport also teaches children to work hard and have fun at the same time,but what is sport without rules and regulation? For this reason we had a volunteer from SCORE an organization,to join us. The organization's vision is changing lives and building stronger communities through sport while they are mission is to uses sport to provide youth and children with valuable skills and opportunities that they need to succeed in life and contribute to their community

So our Friday was a fun and sport day. The kids played soccer, volleyball, and netball and they enjoyed the three sports with all wholly. Let the pictures do the talking, hope you enjoy

kids after the ball
Girls playing netball

Catching the ball

Girls and boys playing soccer

Using the gate for vollyball

Spotlight on Ndaopala

Q1. What is your full name and age?
A1Ndaopala Kondjamba, 15 years
Q2. When and where were you born?

A2. 1995 in Opuwo
Q3. What are the names and ages of your brothers and sisters?
A3. Mondeseus 13,Ndakoneke 9
Q4. What grade are you in?
A4. Grade 9
Q5. What is your favorite subject in school?
A5. Life science
Q6. What do you do for fun?
A6. Sing, dance and reading
Q7. What is your favorite sport?
A7. Netball
Q8. If you had a chance to change your childhood, what would you like to change?
A8. If I could help out my grandmother
Q9. What do want be when you grow up?
A9.I want to be a nurse
Q10. What was your favorite part of the Omapitiro Weyuva After School Class today?
A10. Read
Thank you Ndaopala

Out for now.
Uhara nawa,

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Afternoon movie


After weeks of hard work, a Bugs Life movie was a great way to help the kids relax their minds. At first it was silent in the board room, as the children were fully engrossed in the film. Later we could see the children frowning, beaming, and laughing. It truly is a great movie. They loved the journey inside the miniature world of a bugs life, filled with fun and adventure. The volunteers asked questions as the movie progressed to help improve the comprehension for some of the younger children. It was also great for the children to be able to see the words on the television as well as hearing them.

face frown


concentrating toward the movie

Spotlight on Frans

Q1. What is your full name and age?
A1. Frans Daniel, 14 years
Q2. When and where were you born?

A2. 1996 in Opuwo
Q3. What are the names and ages of your brothers and sisters?
A3. I m the only one
Q4. What grade are you in?
A4. Grade 6
Q5. What is your favorite subject in school?
A5. Math and English
Q6. What do you do for fun?
A6. Playing soccer
Q7. What is your favorite sport?
A7. Soccer
Q8. If you had a chance to change your childhood, what would you like to change?
A8. If I could help out my grandmother
Q9. What do want be when you grow up?
A9. A policeman
Q10. What was your favorite part of the Omapitiro Weyuva After School Class today?
A10. Learn how to play soccer
Thank you Frans

Out for now.
Uhara nawa,

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Reading a book


Once again it is a Friday and this time around we reading a book by Dr Seuss. Its a beginner reading book, exacting blends of words and picture that encourage children to read all by themself.

Reading is an important skill that need to be develop in children. If children can read well and if they see reading as a source of information, for the rest of their live they will have access to all the knowledge and great ideas. Let the pictures do the talking . Hope you enjoy!

Getting ready to read.

following the reader.

Lina reading.

Spotlight on Vetumana

Q1. What is your full name and age?
A1. Vetumana Mbikiro 11 year
Q2. When and where were you born?

A2. 1998 in Opuwo
Q3. What are the names and ages of your brothers and sisters?
A3. Mahoni 35,Taimi 26, Ngatuu 25,Unomas 18, Venaani 14
Q4. What grade are you in?
A4. Grade 6
Q5. What is your favorite subject in school?

A5. English, Math
Q6. What do you do for fun?
A6. To play games like okaepwa and euma
Q7. What is your favorite sport?
A7. Woman soccer
Q8. If you had a chance to change your childhood, what would you like to change?
A8. I will like to help my mother with work at home
Q9. What do want be when you grow up?
A9. Teacher
Q10. What was your favorite part of the Omapitiro Weyuva After School Class today?
A10. To study English
Thank you Vetumana

Out for now.
Uhara nawa,

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Self Drawing


One piece of paper, one color pencil, and draw yourself; those where the simple instruction for the class on Friday.

This week session is self portrait .The board room was filled with silence and high concentration toward the objective. We gave the children some paper, colored pencils, and then gave them the go ahead to draw. It is amazing and interesting what they have come up with so far. With the request from some donors, we will be posting the self drawing and the picture of the spotlight child. Can't wait for you to see it for yourself. Below are a few pictures of the children at work.

Waiting to be instructed to draw.

Children at work.

Faninya with her Sketch

Spotlight on Sperasa

Sperasa drawing.

Q1. What is your full name and age?
A1. Sperasa Mauricio
Q2. When and where were you born?

A2. 1995/04/11 in Opuwo
Q3. What are the names and ages of your brothers and sisters?
A3. Luis 36,Fesiyana34 ,Sau 30, and Maria 22
Q4. What grade are you in?
A4. Grade 6
Q5. What is your favorite subject in school?
A5. Social studies
Q6. What do you do for fun?
A6. Anything to do with sport
Q7. What is your favorite sport?
A7. Netball
Q8. If you had a chance to change your childhood, what would you like to change?
A8. To have a healthy childhood
Q9. What do want be when you grow up?
A9. A police woman
Q10. What was your favorite part of the Omapitiro Weyuva After School Class today?

Thank you Sperasa.

Out for now.

Uhara nawa,